Which Way Is The Train To Better Society

GOSHEN is a Social Research and Development Enterprise working in the policy-academic-social development space.  GOSHEN is anchored on two solemn commitments: Social justice and ecological justice.

These 2 solemn commitments define our worldview (The Shaft), and
therefore define the trajectory (Our Vision) and the Vehicle (Our Mission) of our journey immortalized through the Ecological Civilization and The Shepherd.

Our Vision

One Home for one Disabled Boy Child
One Loaf of Bread for One Unemployed Mother
One Nurse for One Household
One Skill for One Out-Of-School Youth
One Police Officer for One Girl Child
One Toilet for One Grandmother
One Solar Light Bulb for One Rural Home
One Job for One Family
One Tank of Desalinated Water for one Rural Farmer
One Agricultural Plot for One Generational Farm Worker
One Fire Hose Pipe for One Father
One Vegetable Garden for One School
One Bee For One Farmer
One Ocean For One Community
One Tree for One Neighborhood
One Productivity Centre for One Institution
One Book for One Child

Our Mission


Non sibi sed allis

Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

“…we can be the first generation to
end poverty just as we may be the
last to have the chance to save the
planet. The world can be a better
place in 2030 if we succeed in our
objective,” A70/L.1-(50).